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Cyber Security Salary Survey Australia 2025.

The two biggest questions employers are asking right now are ‘how do we attract top Cyber Security talent?’ and ‘how much should we be paying them?’.

We know how dynamic this industry is, so we’ve put together all of our market insights to help guide you through your hiring process.
Key Insights.
Top Roles in Technology Jobs Australia: Cyber Security, Front End Developer
Top 3 Most In Demand Cyber Security Jobs
The top 3 in-demand Security roles in 2025 are: Cyber Security Engineer, GRC Analyst and Security Analyst.
Work from home icon green and white
Work From Home
Over 90% of candidates expect to work from home at least 1 or 2 days a week.
Work from home icon green and white
Most Difficult Candidates To Find...
The 3 most challenging Security positions for us to fill are Red Teamer, AppSec Engineer and Threat Intelligence Specialist.
Candidate motivation icon suit and tie green and white
Shift In Candidate Motivation

In 2025, we've seen a big shift away from candidates being interested in Big Tech / startups and increased interest in established corporations due to perceived higher job security.

Cyber Security Positions.

Click a position to see the base salary data below.
Incident Responder Salary